Long Live 1st of May, International Workers Day!

Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerillas

Workers of the world are celebrating international workers day in conditions under which capitalism is trying to reproach the working class for its own failures. Without a doubt the imposition of a financial oppressive system on the shoulders of workers and the oppressed of the world has no other significance than workers having to work longer hours while benefitting far less from the wealth they have created. This makes the workers descent toward even harsher conditions of life. This reality has formed a variety of means to oppose and fight the system. The recent uprisings of the people in Northern Africa and the Middle East are prime examples of such discontent. The rising of the masses for bread and freedom tells the news of exacerbated oppression and repression by the capitalists and despots. In order to keep the exploitative status quo the parasitical capitalist class has utilized the most brutal and violent means against workers.

Examples of such violent conditions which capitalists have enforced upon workers around the globe can be clearly seen in Iran under the dependent regime of the Islamic Republic. In reality, not even one day goes by where capitalists and the state do not come up with some ways and means to take even more from the already empty basket of the workers. The cutting of state subsidies and deregulating prices are standard policies imposed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These have been among the last incidents of state policies intensifying the discontent among workers and the oppressed. Such repressive measure was organized and imposed under conditions where the Islamic regime had already resisted the increase of wages and had frozen wage increases for years. While the bourgeoisie in Iran profits exponentially from such policies, it hears the good news from the mouth of the “supreme leader” proclaiming that this year 2011 (1390), is the year of (Economic Jihad)“economic struggle.” He invites workers and the oppressed through “intense effort and struggle” so he can allow them to carry the burden of the crisis on their shoulders for further exploitation.


Capitalists think of nothing but their own benefits and interests. Despite their demagogy, “capital” is their true god, and the sucking of workers’ blood is their true “struggle” (jihad). You have felt this reality with your flesh and bones through every-day life. So do not be swindled by the deception of these capitalist leeches and don’t allow them to make your life a living hell by using superstition and religion. Rise, and turn the year 2011 (1390) into a “class struggle” to topple the Islamic Republic and the current capitalist system. History has shown that without a fight against capitalists and their representative state (In Iran) even the smallest of achievements by the working class is impossible. This reality has been demonstrated throughout the country. The latest of these struggles are the protests and strikes by thousands of workers working for contractors in the petrochemical complex in the port of Mahshahr, in Iran. Workers’ strikes in Mahshahr debunk the oppressive nature of contractors and their temporary work contracts. Workers proposed permanent, direct, and collective employment. The nature of these contracts clearly reflects anti-worker policies of the current regime. This regime, through temporary contracts, is trying to neglect workers of their obvious rights. Because of the same reason, elimination of temporary contracts along with paying unpaid wages, the real increase of wages, official recognition of workers organizations, and the emancipation of imprisoned workers, are at the top of demands of the working class.

A thirty-two year history of the anti-worker regime of the Islamic Republic has shown Iranian workers that without the annihilation of this regime including all its factions none of the workers’ fundamental demands will be achieved. Workers can only clear the path to accomplish their objectives through the destruction of the current regime.


May first is the international day of the workers. It is the day to observe the march of the courageous struggle of workers throughout the world. Through meetings and gatherings on this day, workers demonstrate their power in organization. So let us, hand in hand, celebrate the day of the worker and demand the rights of the workers with the most thunderous voice possible.

Long Live 1st of May, international workers day!
Down with World Capitalism!
Down with the Dependent Regime of the Islamic Republic! Long Live Revolution! Long Live Communism!

Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerillas

May 2011

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