On the Occasion of the 28th Anniversary of the Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran

Activists of The Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas in Holland

28 years ago, following its humiliating defeat in the eight years reactionary war with Iraq, the regime of Islamic Republic commenced on a secret campaign of elimination of political prisoners in Iran. From June till September of 1988, in less than two months, the brutal henchmen of the reactionary regime murdered an estimated of 18,000 political prisoners across the country. They included men and women, young and old, communists, progressive and patriotic activists and intellectuals that were held in prison across the country. Amongst those killed were activists who had already completed their prison sentences, but were recaptured and eliminated.

It is a well known fact that all factions and cliques of the regime without exception were complicit in the systematic four month’s long campaign of elimination of political prisoners and the barbaric crimes against the oppressed people of Iran.

28 years after these atrocities, with the recent agreements between the US and its allies with the regime of Islamic republic, headed by Mr. Rouhani, is presented in Western media as success story in diplomacy and while they give prominence to the military leaders of regime engaged in opposing ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria, there is a blanket of silence over the ISIS nature of this regime ignoring the fact that the regime of Islamic Republic headed by Mr Rouhani has executed more than 2000 of prisoners since taking office as president in August o f 2013. In fact the current rate of executions is at the highest level since 1989.

Clearly, neither the continued anti‐American rhetoric of leaders of Islamic Republic nor the streams of West’s crocodiles tears shed for the plight of people in Middle East or their concerns for security should blind anyone to the fact that the regime of Islamic Republic is an integral part of the savage Imperialist system and that the ominous plans and designs of the Imperialist powers for Iran and the rest of the Middle East are nothing but furthest from the cause of human rights, freedom, democracy and the well being of the workers and the oppressed people of Iran and the rest of the region.

We believe the path to freedom, democracy and liberation for the workers and other oppressed people of Iran is through the revolutionary overthrow of the whole regime of Islamic Republic with all its factions, secured with the complete break with the chains of oppression of the Imperialist system.

On the 28th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 in Iran, we salute the memory of the thousands of fallen martyrs of the cause of liberation of the workers and the oppressed people of Iran. We demand the freedom of all political prisoners in Iran and urge all freedom loving people to support the democratic movement of oppressed masses in Iran against the barbaric Islamic Regime and the capitalist system.

Activists of The Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerrillas in Holland

August 2016

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